Summer school on AI and interoperability for Agroecology

Summer school on AI and interoperability for Agroecology

10 juillet 2024


The Pl@ntNet team, in collaboration with the #DigitAg Convergence Institute, is organizing an exciting summer school at the crossroads of artificial intelligence and agroecology in the context of the Pl@ntAgroEco project.

Pl@ntAgroEco - #DigitAg 

Summer school on 

AI and interoperability for agroecology

July 10-11, 2024

 The Pl@ntNet team, in collaboration with the #DigitAg Convergence Institute, is organizing an exciting summer school at the crossroads of artificial intelligence and agroecology in the context of the Pl@ntAgroEco project. The school will be held in Montpellier, a leading European city in the fields of ecology and agriculture (and where Pl@ntNet is born). 

 Whether you're a student or young researcher, in computer science or ecology, you'll learn a wealth of new knowledge through 4 themed half-days : (i) off-the-shelf tools, (ii) do it yourself, (iii) latest research advances and (iv) in the field. 

 The number of places is limited to 25-30 students,  visit the website and register now ! 

Contact: Alexis Joly - alexis.joly [AT]