Inria-Brasil Workshop on Digital Science and Agronomy

Inria-Brasil Workshop on Digital Science and Agronomy

26 août 2024

Hybrid mode: Montpellier, France and online.

Inria-Brasil is an international strategic partnership with LNCC and major Brazilian universities, pursuing high-quality research in digital science and applied mathematics (with special focuses on HPC, Artificial Intelligence, Scientific Computing and Data Science). Within Inria-Brasil, we organize thematic workshops (in hybrid mode) with the aim of bringing together Inria and Brazilian researchers working on the same theme to foster new collaborations. This workshop on digital science and agronomy will feature scientific presentations from French and Brazilian teams, introductions of ongoing projects, and conduct a panel to discuss international cooperation on digital agriculture.


  • Inria – Campus Saint Priest, Room 2.022, Building 5860 rue de St-Priest, 34 090 Montpellier.
  • Tram line n° 1, station Chateau d’Ô

Organization committee

  • Inria: Patrick Armengaud, Claire Saint-Léger, Patrick Valduriez
  • Brazil: Roberto Fray Silva (ESALq-USP), André Freitas Colaço (ESALQ-USP), Frederic Valentin (LNCC), Thais Vieira (ESALq, USP)

Preliminary Program

Tuesday 10 September 2024

9:30-10:00 Welcome Coffee 

10:00- 10:30 Introduction : Cécile Vigouroux (Inria), Roberto Fray da Silva (ESALq, USP) , Fabio Porto (LNCC), Jacques Sainte Marie (Inria), Patrick Valduriez (Inria)

10:30-12:00 Session 1: Agroecology and digital farming

  • Patrick Armengaud, Inria: Agroecology and digital science at Inria
  • Véronique Bellon-Maurel, Inrae, UMR ITAP:  #DigitAg, an interdisciplinary institute to understand the digitalisation of agriculture and pave the way for responsible digital farming
  • Cirad, TBA

12:00-13:30 Lunch

(hybrid) 13:30- 15:00 Session 2: Digital agriculture

  • Priscila Pereira Coltri, UNICAMP: The Challenge of Current and Future Climate Data in the Era of Digital Agriculture
  • Jose Paulo Molin, ESALQ-USP: Unlimited digital contributions for a more precise agriculture
  • Jurandir Zullo Junior, UNICAMP: The BI0S Research Center – projects under development and planned in the areas of agriculture, health and methods
  • Marcos Bacis Ceddia, Universidade Federal Rural Rio de Janeiro: Challenges and opportunities of implementing digital agriculture for family farming

Break 15:00- 15:30

(hybrid) 15:30- 17:00 Session 3: Data management and agronomy

  • Federico Ulliana, Inria and University of Montpellier: Reasoning on Integrated Data, and Some Applications in Agronomy
  • André Freitas Colaço, ESALQ-USP: Data-driven Decisions in Agricultural Systems
  • Fabio Porto, LNCC: Building subset models for short term forecast of extreme events
  • Diego Marcos Gonzalez, Inria and INRAE, Montpellier: Mapping the impact of agriculture on forests in Africa

Wednesday 11 September 2024

9:00-9:30 Welcome Coffee

09:30- 10:30 Session 4: Robotics and agriculture

  • Roberto Fray da Silva, ESALq, USP: Automation, Robotics, and the Future of Agriculture
  • Malisa Vucinic, Inria, Paris: Dependable networking, low-power wireless and micro-robotics

10:30-12:00 Round table: Brazil-France cooperation in digital agriculture

12:00-13:30 Lunch

(hybrid) 13:30- 15:00 Session 5: AI and Agronomy

  • Gabriel Krouk, CNRS, Montpellier: Computer science and machine learning as a driving force in plant biology
  • Odalric-Cambrym Maillard, Inria, Lille: Reinforcement learning challenges for agroecology
  • Daniel de Oliveira, UFF:  Optimization of plant phenotyping workflows for the cloud
  • Pierre Bonnet, Cirad, Montpellier: From individual plant observation to plant community analysis

Break 15:00- 15:30

(hybrid) 15:30- 16:30 Session 6: Agroecology

  • Ana Tereza, LNCC: Genomic analyzes applied in agriculture: Experiences and future perspectives
  • François Sabot, IRD, Montpellier: Ten years of rice pangenomics: evolution of biological insights and of methods
  • Philippe Martinet, Inria, Sophia-Antipolis: NINSAR: New ItiNerarieS for Agroecology using cooperative Robots

16:30- 17:00 Conclusion