27-29 September 2023

FAO Global Conference on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization

27 septembre 2023


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is organizing the first-ever Global Conference on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (GAMC), with the theme “Efficiency, Inclusiveness and Resilience” from 27 to 29 September 2023. This event will provide a neutral forum for FAO Members, farmers, universities, agricultural scientists, mechanization service providers, development agencies, policy makers, extension specialists, civil society, opinion leaders and private sector for focused dialogues to prioritise actions and strengthen technical networks for sustainable development of agricultural mechanization.

Recent and significant progress has been achieved in sustainable agricultural mechanization, including appropriate tools, equipment and machines adapted to sustainable plant production and protection, land management, and precision agriculture. These advances need to be scaled, according to local contexts, to achieve sustainable agricultural production and transformation of agrifood systems, protect the environment, manage natural resources, mitigate and adapt to climate change while creating decent jobs, social equity and achieving food security and improved nutrition.

Objectives of the Conference

The conference will bring together a wide spectrum of relevant stakeholders to debate and synthesize evidence on innovations that confer efficiency, inclusiveness and resilience to the various components of SAM systems for possible scaling-up and adoption, particularly in developing countries, the core of FAO’s work, with four objectives:

  • Increase awareness of the contribution of SAM to implementing the FAO Strategic Framework 2022-31, to attain the SDGs at global, regional and national levels.
  • Share information and knowledge on the strategic direction and technical developments in SAM worldwide.
  • Demonstrate FAO’s technical leadership and convening power to support its Members in leveraging on SAM as an important pillar in the transformation towards sustainable agrifood systems. 
  • Provide a neutral platform and strengthen technical networks on SAM for demand-driven and context-specific multi-stakeholder dialogues.


The GAMC will highlight ways for context-specific interventions to optimize the use of agricultural equipment and harness its benefits while minimizing harmful effects on the environment. These interventions will contribute to achieving the FAO Strategic Framework 2022-31 with a focus on sustainability: increasing production of nutritious food and generating income while protecting the environment, providing decent jobs and creating social equity.

The conference will allow participants to discuss the potential opportunities and challenges of SAM technologies in improving global agricultural productivity, across seven themes:
1. Mechanization for Sustainable Crop Production

2. Post-harvest Management and Agro-processing

3. Climate Change and Resilience

4. Digitalization and Automation

5. Supply Chains and Standards

6. Business Models and Multi-stakeholder Engagement

7. Enabling Environment for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization and Digitalization

The farmers’ and mechanization service providers’ perspectives will be maintained during the conference as a continuous thread across all sessions, elevating their voices. Each theme will place a common emphasis on systems, practices and technologies that increase resilience to climate change, promote food security, improved nutrition, protect the environment and biodiversity.

More details & information => www.fao.org/events/detail/global-conference-on-sustainable-agricultural-mechanization/en

Contact: contact [at] hdigitag.fr

Date de modification : 21 décembre 2023 | Date de création : 08 septembre 2023