

#DigitAg, the Convergences Institute for Digital Agriculture is one of the 10 French Convergences Institutes financed within the framework of the Investissements d'Avenir. The only Convergences Institute dedicated to agriculture, it is also the only Convergences Institute in the Occitanie region and the first of the MUSE Montpellier University of Excellence I-Site. Supported by INRAE, born in 2020 from the merger of Irstea and INRA, it was created in 2017 by 16 founding members.

#DigitAg - the Convergences in Digital Agriculture Institute implements interdisciplinary research between agronomic sciences, engineering sciences (computer science, mathematics, electronics, physics, etc.) and social and management sciences (economics, sociology, management), bringing together more than 570 experts in these fields to produce the scientific and educational foundations necessary for the harmonious deployment of digital agriculture in France, Europe and the countries of the South. #DigitAg is supported by a consortium of 16 public and private partners and 30 research units. It is funded for 8 years (2016-2024) by the PIA (Programme Investissements d'Avenir) to the tune of €9.9 million.

At the heart of our research activity, about a hundred PhD students have been and will be recruited to boost the creation of knowledge in digital agriculture. The innovations resulting from our research will benefit from the support of the SATT AxLR.

#DigitAg is also a system of initial and continuing education with the construction of a Graduate School, i.e. the multidisciplinary grouping of 21 Masters and specialised masters, all of which train students who will be able to engage in careers in digital agriculture. Its originality: 3 interdisciplinary specialised masters, a field learning site and 8 member companies of #DigitAg who are committed to training and hosting students.

20 11
From 20 Nov. 2024 to 22 Nov. 2024
Faculté des Sciences de l'Université de Montpellier (Campus Triolet)
CALL FOR COMMUNICATION / 24ème Forum des jeunes mathématiciennes et mathématiciens
16 09
From 16 Sept. 2024 to 18 Sept. 2024
Campus de Lavalette, Cirad, Montpellier
International Hackathon on 3D Light Interception Model Intercomparison
18 10
18 October 2023
Agropolis International, Montpellier
"On Farm Experimentation" workshop
10 October 2023
Fondation Carasso, Paris
4e Rencontres de l’alimentation durable

Focus on

20 December 2023

By: GL

Thesis defences

event From 27 May 2024 to 30 May 2024

Institut Agro Montpellier, France

PhenoHarmonIS Workshop 2024 highlights: Data & Dialogue: Agrifood semantics in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

The workshop, held from May 27-30, 2024, at Institut Agro, Montpellier, France, brought together approximately 85 participants working in 16 countries from Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America and Pacific, representing 29 institutions or companies. Please read the results of the workshop hereunder.