The digital showcase

The digital showcase

The #DigitAg digital showcase brings together demonstrators resulting from the valorization of selected research results by our doctoral and post-doctoral students. Examples of digital tools proposed by the community's research teams are also presented.

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The #DigitAg demonstrators

These tools have been developed or are currently being developed by the #DigitAg IT team, in conjunction with its PhD students.

 AIDMOIT : Find thematic, localized and dated documents

Crop2ML/CyML : A metalanguage and translator to open up crop models and make them easier to understand and reuse by non-computer scientists

  • Application web interactive
  • Demonstrator website 
  • Description : Intended for biologists, the Crop2ML / CyML web application enables them to explore and understand crop models shared on major international platforms, and to re-use them for their own purposes, without having to mobilize programming skills.
  • Développeur(s) : ENEO | Doctorant : Cyrille Mindingoyi, LEPSE, INRAE Montpellier
  • Thèse : Représentation sémantique et modulaire des modèles de cultures à l'aide d'un métalangage déclaratif

Apex Vigne Territoire : Visualize the vegetative growth of vines on a regional scale

  • Type : Application web interactive (situation réelle)
  • Description : The ApeX Territoire showcase application lets you visualize observations collected using the ApeX-Vigne mobile application.
    • ApeX-Vigne is a free mobile application developed by the Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin and the Institut Agro to monitor vegetative growth and estimate water stress levels. It is based on the apex method, a simple way of characterizing the vegetative growth of vines. Based on observation of the tips of shoots, the apexes, it is commonly used in the vineyard by technicians, particularly in the Mediterranean region, where attempts are made to link early cessation of growth to high levels of hydric stress.
    • ApeX Territoire offers a geolocalized visualization of apex growth indicators and a spatio-temporal analysis of their growth observed in vineyard plots. This showcase application enables users to add, update, share and export summaries of their observations. The application is designed for use on computers, mobiles and tablets.
  • Développeur(s) : Vincent Armant et Amin Ouail | Doctorant : Léo Pichon, ITAP, L'Institut Agro | Montpellier SupAgro
  • Thèse Méthodes d’évaluation de la qualité des données issues d’observations à haute résolution spatiale et temporelle pour une aide à la décision en viticulture

C-REAL GAME : A serious game for grain growers to learn about futures and options and achieve their selling prices

  • Type : Serious game - Application web interactive
  • Description : To help cereal growers better understand and use financial hedging, we offer an introduction to the financial markets through the simulation game "C-REAL game". The version we have developed is aimed at French soft wheat growers. The game takes place over the course of a crop year, during which the farmer faces price variations and has to buy and sell futures contracts (MATIF contracts) to reach his target selling price.
  • Développeur(s) : Solène Serafin et Aubin Abadie (PolyTech Université de Montpellier), Amin Ouail et Vincent Armant (#DigitAg INRAE Occitanie-Montpellier) | Doctorante : Narjiss Araba, MRM, Université de Montpellier
  • Thèse : L’apport du numérique dans la mise en œuvre d’une garantie de prix : application aux marchés des céréales avec les contrats à terme et les options

TechnoDoseViti (La juste dose) : Determine the dose of crop protection agent to be applied according to the characteristics of the vegetation and the sprayer used

  • Type : Application web interactive
  • Site du démonstrateur
  • Description : Depending on the type of sprayer and the evolution of the structural characteristics of the vegetation, the application determines the dose of plant protection product to be applied, and enables several technological scenarios to be compared, integrating different sprayers and reasoning for the dose applied. The scenarios are compared in terms of input savings. The input data are the plot, the date, the risks in terms of crop protection efficiency and the sprayer used.
  • Développeur(s) : Vincent Armant et Amin Ouail | Doctorant : Anice Cheraiet, ITAP, INRAE
  • Thèse : Modélisation expérimentale et statistique des relations entre caractéristiques morphologiques de la vigne et dépôts de pulvérisation : application à l’agriculture de précision 

Walis: Determine your crop's date for phytosanitary treatment, thanks to a decision-support tool that finely integrates the uncertainty of weather conditions

  • Application web interactive
  • Développeur(s) : Vincent Armant et Amin Ouail | Doctorante : Ivana Aleksovska, Acta - les instituts techniques
  • Thèse : Améliorer les prévisions à court et moyen termes des modèles agronomiques en prenant mieux en compte l'incertitude des prévisions météorologiques 

Read: digital tools developed by #DigitAg community teams

  • PADI-web, platform for animal health epidemiosurveillance
  • Crop2ML & CyML : a meta-language and translator for cross-platform simulation culture models, at the service of the international community
  • The ApeX Vigne mobile application makes it easy to monitor vine growth
  • PixFruit : Towards a decision-support tool for the African mango industry
  • OpenSILEX : Manage and share massive, heterogeneous data from different sources
  • PulvÉco®, a digital tool to help winegrowers reduce the use of phytosanitary products
  • Capflor®, a tool to help design meadows with varied flora, co-constructed with farmers
  • Agrisource, the international open innovation platform for agriculture in the face of climate change


  • Contact :contact [AT]