

The aim of #DigitAg is to create the scientific foundations for the development of Digital Agriculture, based on an interdisciplinary approach.

As suggested by the name of the Convergences Institute (Digital Agriculture for Humans), the challenges to be met concern both the arrival and interaction of ICT with agriculture and farm management (economics, management and societal issues), and the design of new ICT devices, models and tools for agricultural use at any scale (technology, knowledge creation and modeling. These challenges are interlinked: a better understanding of ICT diffusion and actors will change the way new ICT services are designed. Conversely, new ICT models and devices that are easy to use and co-constructed with farmers and advisors offer these technologies easier dissemination. At present, however, these aspects remain separate. The originality of #DigitAg lies in the interactions of its various members to provide a response to scientific and technological objectives that are not generally addressed in conventional projects, even multidisciplinary ones. The objectives are assigned to each research axis.

Read our Research topics Overview 

6 Research axises
2 Key issues & 8 Challenges
30 research units and joint research units at the service of digital agriculture in France and in southern countries
56 thesis grants with specific financial support for the doctoral student's work
50 labelled theses
150 Master scholarships
18 years of post-doctoral research work
72 months of hosting high-level scientists
120 months of IT development for demonstrators based on thesis results