4e Rencontres de l’alimentation durable

4e Rencontres de l’alimentation durable

10 October 2023

Fondation Carasso, Paris

Véronique Bellon-Maurel takes part in a round-table discussion at 11:15 a.m. on the opportunities and limits of digital tools for agroecology.

Welcome to the 4th Rencontres de l'alimentation durable! Created to encourage the sharing of inspiring experiences and initiatives, this year's Rencontres aims to bring together disciplines and sectors that are sometimes still too far apart, despite the potential for convergence.

We invite you to share our ambitions to nurture the transformations that are needed, around three themes: agro-ecology, food democracy and territories, and to explore cross-cutting issues.

The Rencontres will be structured around plenary sessions and smaller focus groups. Damien Conaré, General Secretary of the UNESCO World Food Chair, will be the guest speaker for this year's event, guiding the day's proceedings.

You can download the floor plan and program table.

Retrouver les détails de l'événements sur le site de l'événement

Contact: gabrielle.lartia@inrae.fr