Numérique et nouvelles coordinations des acteurs des filières agricoles

Call for papers for "Numérique et nouvelles coordinations des acteurs des filières agricoles" seminar

30 April 2024

Institut Agro Montpellier, France

The research seminar will take place on June 18, 2024. Submissions to the call for papers close on April 30, 2024.


Digital technology is playing an ever-increasing role in the agricultural sector, leading to new forms of coordination between producers and other industry players. While some of these modes are emerging, others are based on an evolution of existing relationships. The research seminar will examine the role and impact of digital technology on the relationships between producers and all players in the supply chain, both upstream and downstream.
Among existing relationships, the seminar will focus on the organizational dynamics of collectives, particularly cooperatives. It will also examine the role of collectives in the construction and dissemination of technological innovations, and the impact of these technologies on their relationships with producers. By relying on digital technology, these collectives can target both commercial strategies and the development of more environmentally-friendly production strategies. They can also promote the acquisition and reinforcement of appropriate skills through advice, coaching and training.

Among the new relationships brought about by digital development, platforms are helping to strengthen relations between producers and downstream players on the one hand, and upstream players on the other. The emergence and development of marketing platforms has reduced the number of intermediaries and brought producers and consumers closer together, thereby enhancing the value of agricultural products. In addition, while some platforms may focus on marketing production, others may be more upstream-oriented, notably through the supply of inputs and the purchase of equipment.

The aim of the seminar is twofold. It aims to understand :

  1. to what extent, and under what conditions, digital technology is modifying relationships between players within the value chains, and
  2. how digital technology affects existing relationships or creates new ones.

This research seminar is aimed primarily at doctoral students, whose innovative work provides an original perspective on these issues; but it is also open to more experienced researchers, whose expertise will provide a complementary vision.

Valorisation : The best works presented will be sent to RRI publications. (Réseau de Recherche sur l’Innovation) : Innovations : Revue d’Economie et de Management de l’Innovation/ Journal of Innovation Economics and Management ; Marché & Organisations ; Technologie et Innovation

Organisation :

Venue: Montpellier, Institut Agro – 2, place Pierre Viala
Date : 18 June 2024


An abstract of no more than 2 pages (excluding bibliography) should be sent by April 30, 2024 to the following addresses : et

Application deadline : 30 April 2024

Feedback : 15 May 2024

Research semainar : 18 June 2024

Full paper submission: 15 September 2024

Organising Comittee:


Magali AUBERT (INRAe, UMR MOISA) magali.aubert [AT]
Leïla TEMRI (L’Institut Agro Montpellier, UMR MOISA) leila.temri [AT]

Other Comittee's members:

Danielle GALLIANO (INRAe, UMR AGIR) danielle.galliano [AT]
Pierre LABARTHE (INRAe, UMR AGIR, resp. CoEDiTag) Pierre.Labarthe [AT]
Sophie MIGNON (Université de Montpellier, MRM) sophie.mignon.mtp [AT]
Jean-Marc TOUZARD (INRAe, UMR Innovations) (à confirmer) jean-marc.touzard [AT] 

Contact: magali.aubert [AT]