Workshop Crop2ML development sprint

Workshop Crop2ML development sprint

10 octobre 2022

Institut Agro - INRAE, La Gaillarde campus

To support exchange of models for streamlined model component improvement between research groups and modeling platforms, the Agricultural Model Exchange Initiative has recently developed a framework (Crop2ML; (Midingoyi et al., 2020, 2021) that defines standards to describe a model component exchange format. The AMEI is coordinated by Pierre Martre at INRAE and some of the most active modeling groups in the world are part of it.

The workshop will focus on the modeling of soil temperature. Soil temperature determines the rate of key plant and soil processes that are key to predict the adaptation to and impact of climate change, extreme weather events, and new agroecological practices (e.g. intercropping, mulch, direct sowing, or sowing arrangement).

We will enhance and use the Crop2ML framework to exchange six soil temperature models and then calibrate and evaluate them in three crop models developed at Inrae and UF. Tools to efficiently link data models and data (including real time data from connected sensors) developed by Inrae and UF will also be further developed and tested using data from connected weather stations and soil temperature sensors.

The overall objective of the workshop, through joining efforts and expertise between participants, are to:

  • exchange and intercompare soil temperature models in the context of three widely used crop models (SiriusQuality, STICS, and DSSAT)
  • advance the Crop2ML framework for sharing different types of modeling approaches and to represent them with the specificities of three crop modeling platforms (DSSAT, STICS, and SiriusQuality)
  • further develop, share, and organize the maintenance of model calibration and evaluation R packages, and data management and analytics tools.

The detailed program is available by clicking HERE
