Results of International mobilities CfP (open all year)

Results of International mobilities CfP (open all year)

Since 2021, the International Mobilities PAA has been open all year round, and applications are examined as they come in. Find on this page the mobility projects co-financed by #DigitAg.

3 selected applicants in 2024

Ruben Chenevat

  • Outgoing mobility
  • #DigitAg labeled PhD - Inrae 
  • To: 3 months to the Faculdad de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP) (December 2024 - April 2025)
  • The project is in line with Axe scientifique 6:  Modélisation et simulationand Challenge 1: Le challenge agroécologique       
                        ​​​​PhD student page

Eléonore Schnebelin

  • Outgoing mobility
  • #DigitAg labeled post-doc - Inrae 
  • To: 1 months at University of Talca, Chili (April 2024)
  • The project is in line with Axe scientifique 2: Capteurs, acquisition et gestion de données 
  • ResearchGate profile

Paulin Melatagia Yonta

Paulin Melatagia
  • Incoming mobility
  • Lecturer-Researcher specialized in Automatic Language Processing and Machine Learning
  • From: Université de Yaoundé I, Cameroun
  • Hosting duration: 13 days (April2024) by Mathieu Roche, Cirad, UMR Tetis
    The project is in line with Axe 5 : Fouille de données, analyse de données,extraction de connaissances, et le Challenge 5 : Les services de conseil agricole
                      ResearchGate profile

Paulin will present his research works entitled Combining features engineering and representation learning for NLP of African Languages, on 15 April at 2 pm, at the Maison de la Télédétection (salle Silva).

5 selected applicants 2023

Maria Poveda Villalon

  • Incoming mobility
  • Teacher-researcher specialized in ontology and web semantics
  • From: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Espagne
  • Hosting duration: 1 month (March 2023) by Catherine Roussey, Inrae, UMR Mistea
    The project is in line with Axe 4 : Système d’information, stockage et transfert de données et le Challenge 2 : Le phénotypage rapide
  • ResearchGate profile

Maria gave a presentation of her research works entitled Towards FAIR ontology development for the Semantic Web, on March 17, 2023 at the Campus de la Gaillarde from 10:30 am, during the SESAME seminars.

Modou Mbaye

  • Incoming mobility
  • Researcher specializing in dry cereal breeding
  • From: ISRA-CERAAS (Institut Sénégalais de Recherche Agricole), Sénégal
  • Hosting duration: 2 months (October-November 2022)by Alain Audebert, Cirad, UMR Agap
    The project is in line with Axe 5 Fouille de données, analyse de données, extraction de connaissances et le Challenge 2 : Le phénotypage rapide.
  • ResearchGate profile

Sherif Bouzaouia

  • Outgoing mobility
  • #DigitAg PhD - Institut Agro (supervised by Institut Agro-Inrae)
  • To: 3 months in SLU Arlnap, Sweden (September-November 2023)
  • The project is in line with Axe scientifique 3 : Capteurs, acquisition et gestion de données et le Challenge 2: Le phénotypage rapide
    PhD student page


Pascal Neveu & Bertrand Cloez

1 selected applicant in 2021

Maëva Durand

photo maeva

Outgoing mobility
#DigitAg PhD in Agriculture and Animal sciences
From: Inrae, UMR Pegase
Hosting duration: 3 months (July-October 2021) in Centre de Développement du Porc du Québec, Canada
PhD student page

6 selected applicants in 2019

Sigfredo Fuentes

  • Incoming mobility
  • Associate Professor (Digital Agriculture, Food and Wine Sciences) 
  • From: Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences Melbourne, Australia
  • Hosting duration: 3 weeks, (March-April 2020) by Pr Bruno Tisseyre, Institut Agro, UMR Itap
    The mobility has been postponed to 2022.
  • ResearchGate profile

Diane Wang

  • Incoming mobility
  • Assistant Professor
  • From: Dept. of Agronomy, Purdue University, USA
  • Hosting duration: 2-3 weeks (Nov-Dec 2020), by François Tardieu, UMR Lepse, Inrae
    The mobility has been postponed to 2022.
  • ResearchGate profile

Abdoulaye Guissé

  • Incoming mobility
  • Researcher-engineer (Knowledge engineering and the semantic web) 
  • From: Laboratoire Traitement de l’Information et Systèmes Intelligents (LTISI), Ecole Polytechnique de Thiès (EPT), Sénégal
  • Hosting duration: 2 months (Sept-Oct 2020)by Clément Jonquet, Lirmm, Université de Montpellier
    The dates of the mobility have been postponed due to the sanitary crisis.
    The project is in line with Axe 5 Fouille de données, analyse de données, extraction de connaissances et le Challenge 8 Le développement agricole au Sud
  • ResearchGate profile

Maguelonne Teisseire

M Teisseire Axe 4

Outgoing mobility
From: Inrae, UMR Tetis
To: 6 months in Curtin University, Australia (July-December 2020)
Dr David A. McMeekin, Spatial Sciences School of Earth and Planetary Sciences Project Leader
The mobility has been postponed to 2022.
The project is in line with Axe 4 sur la représentation des données et leurs mises en lien. Il concerne les données concernant l’agro-industrie et à ce titre concerne le Challenge 6 - :Gestion des territoires agricoles
Profil ResearchGate

Kevin Fauvel

  • Outgoing mobility
  • #DigitAg PhD
  • FromInria, Equipe LACODAM (co-supervised by Inrae UMR PEGASE)
  • To: 5 months in Zhejiang University, China (November 2019- April 2020)
  • Hosting: Pr Tao LIn, College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science
  • The project is in line with Axe scientifique 5 : Fouille de données, analyse de données, extraction de et le Challenge 4:- TIC et productions animales
  • PhD student page

Etienne David

  • Outgoing mobility
  • #DigitAg labeled PhD
  • From: Inrae, Cifre Arvalis, UMR EMMAH - UMR CAPTE
  • To: 3 months in Tokyo University, Japan (August-October 2021)
  • Hosting: Faculty of Agriculture teamThe dates of the mobility have been postponed due to the sanitary crisis.
  • The project is in line with Axe scientifique 5 -Fouille de données, analyse de données, extraction de connaissances et le Challenge 2 - phénotypage rapide
  • PhD student page

Modification date: 05 July 2024 | Publication date: 14 September 2022 | By: GL