The network

The network

At the regional level

8 PIA infrastructures are our partners

  • Labex Agro
    #DigitAg and Labex Agro have been partners since the inception of the #DigitAg project, notably to co-finance post-docs.
  • Labex Numev
    #DigitAg and Labex Numev have been partners since the inception of the #DigitAg project, in particular to co-finance post-docs.
  • Labex Entreprendre
    #DigitAg and Labex Entreprendre have been partners since the inception of the #DigitAg project, notably to co-finance post-docs.
  • Equipex GeoSud-Theia#DigitAg and EquipEx Geo-Sud Theia have been partners since the inception of the #DigitAg project: in the theses and master's courses it finances, #DigitAg encourages the use of EquipEx resources (satellite images) and, in return, the production of software useful to the Equipex.
  • Equipex PHENOME, BREED WHEAT, AMAIZING#DigitAg and the EquipEx PHENOME, and data from the PIA-Biotech projects BREEDWHEAT and AMAIZING, have been partners since the inception of the #DigitAg project: in the theses and master's courses it funds, #DigitAg encourages the use of resources managed by Phenome (phenotypic data) and, in return, the production of software useful to the Equipex.
  • I-site MUSE
    #DigitAg and the iSite-MUSE have been partners since the inception of the #DigitAg project; #DigitAg is the 1st Convergence Institute of the MUSE isite; #DigitAg and the i-site coordinate their international activities.
  • Pôle de compétitivité Agri Sud-Ouest InnovationMost of #DigitAg's member institutes are also members of the ASOI cluster. #DigitAg and the ASOI cluster are coordinating regional activities on digital agriculture and relaying information.
  • Occitanie Data
    #DigitAg supports the Occitanie Data association, which aims to build an ethical data economy in Occitanie, across all sectors. #DigitAg contributes to the "Agriculture-environment" use case

© Equipex GEOSUD

At national level

  • ESA d’Angers
    The "Mutations agricoles" chair at ESA Angers specializes in the changes brought about by the advent of digital technology. Some doctoral students have been awarded the #DigitAg label.
  • Hervé Pillaud
    Hervé Pillaud is a farmer, author and lecturer specializing in digital agriculture, and a member of CNNum in this capacity. So there's a lot in common, as well as a lot of cross-fertilization.
  • Orange lab

At international level

  • Agence Française de Développement
  • Food Agility, Australie
    Food Agility is the Australian CRC (Common Research Center) led by Curtin University, Western Australia, which aims to encourage the digital revolution in agriculture and agri-food. #DigitAg is participating in the creation of a Consortium on digitally-enabled on-farm experimentation, a project led by Food Agility.
  • Digital Africa
    #DigitAg contributes to the Digital Africa platform, which aims to support digital development in Africa.

International university partners, research and training centers

  • Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis
  • Université Cheickh Anta Diop UCAD, Sénégal
  • Université Alioune Diop de Bambey, Sénégal
  • Université Virtuelle du Sénégal, Dakar, Sénégal
  • Ecole Polytechnique de Thiès, Sénégal
  • Université de Yaoundé 1, Cameroun
  • ENSP, Université Yaoundé 1, Cameroun
  • Institut Sénégalais de la Recherche Agricole
  • USSEIN,  Université du Sine Saloum El-Hâdj Ibrahima NIASS[p2]  (partenaire formation l’Institut Agro [Montpellier SupAgro)

Latin and Central America

  • CATIE (Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza) Costa Rica
  • CIAT International center for tropical agriculture, Colombie


Modification date: 14 December 2023 | Publication date: 08 August 2022 | By: GL