Prendre en compte l’incertitude des prévisions météorologiques

Séminaire “Prendre en compte l’incertitude des prévisions météorologiques dans les modèles et les outils d’aide à la décision en agriculture”

06 October 2023


The RMT Science des Données et Modélisation (Data Science and Modeling Network) is organizing a seminar entitled "Taking into account the uncertainty of weather forecasts in agricultural models and decision-support tools" on October 6, 2023, from 9am to 12:30pm. Data Science and Modeling network coordinators: François Brun (Acta), David Makowski (Inrae), Ronan Trépos (Inrae), Samuel Buis (Inrae), Elodie Doutart (Idele), Chris Roth (Anses), Luis Galárraga (Inria), Fanny Tenenhaus-Aziza (Cniel), François Piraux (Arvalis).

Agriculture is highly dependent on meteorological conditions, and various decision-support tools are available to take these into account. As atmospheric dynamics are a chaotic phenomenon, weather forecasts remain uncertain.
In this context, weather forecasting centers, including Météo-France, use probabilistic forecasting systems known as Esemble Prediction Systems (EPS). These systems provide an estimate of the uncertainty in the weather forecast.
The aim of this seminar is to present these ensemble forecasts and to show applications using these probabilistic forecasts in modeling work or operational tools to make information available through decision support tools. This seminar is organized by the Data Science and Modeling for Agriculture and Food network (

Registration is free!

S'inscrire et retrouver le programme provisoire ici

Contact: francois.brun [AT]

Modification date: 21 December 2023 | Publication date: 07 September 2023