[Post-doc completed] Isabelle Dedieu

[Post-doc completed] Isabelle Dedieu: How to adapt "rfid / rfid-sensor" technology through co-creation to better value agriculture in the food chain?

Post-doc topic funded by #DigitAg

How to adapt "rfid / rfid-sensor" technology through co-creation to better value agriculture in the food chain?

I did my thesis at UMR Iate, Institut Agro de Montpellier, on the theme Exploration of the closed-loop mechanical recyclability of a biodegradable polymer for food packaging applications (PhD in Agroressources, Procédés, Aliments, Produits. Specialization: Biomaterials).
During my post-doc, my missions are to identify the obstacles to the acceptability of RFID sensor technology in the agri-food sector, and to develop a POC. Digital agriculture is the result of interdisciplinary research between agronomic sciences, engineering sciences and social sciences, to meet the challenges of food security and sustainable development. In this project, the integration of intelligent packaging in certain agri-food sectors could help limit the losses and waste associated with the constant increase in the production and consumption of agricultural produce. My knowledge of biomaterials (linked to sustainable food packaging) and RFID technology, aims to help people understand the usefulness of this technology in a circular economy and sustainable development system.

  • Starting date:  16 November 2022
  • Scientific field: Biomaterials, agrifood, electronics, human and social sciences
  • Post-doc supervisors: Sandra Costa-Migeaon, UMR Moisa, Inrae -Brice Sorli, IES, Université de Montpellier
  • #DigitAg :  Axe 2 : Innovations en agriculture numérique, Axe 3 : Capteurs, acquisition et gestion de données, Challenge 7 : Intégration de l’agriculture dans les chaînes de valeur

Keywords: biomaterials, food packaging, intelligent packaging, loss and waste

Abstract: UMR IES and IATE have developed a simple, low-cost RFID sensor tag that simultaneously provides information (RFID chip) and tracks the degradation of food in packaging through the environment (sensor). This technology has been validated in the laboratory and in an industrial environment, but it still needs to be optimized with the dual aim of (1) enhancing the value of agriculture in food chains, and (2) promoting the acceptability and use of this technology by all players in the sector. This technology suffers from a lack of understanding of the technology and its potential benefits. The aim of the project is (1) to identify which attribute(s) should be identified using RFID technology to enhance the value of agricultural products (date of harvest/production, identity of the agricultural producer, etc.), by the end consumer or by the various intermediaries in the identified supply chains (2) through a co-creation approach with the various players, to identify the elements to be adapted in this technology so that it can be used by all players. The markets identified for this intelligent packaging are foodservice and bulk sales of perishable products in reusable packaging.

See also

Communications & Papers:

Saggin, B., Belaizi, Y., Vena, A., Sorli, B., Guillard, V., Dedieu, I. (2019. A flexible biopolymer based UHF RFID-sensor for food quality monitoring. 2019 IEEE International Conference on RFID Technology and Applications (RFID-TA).

Dedieu, I., Peyron, S., Gontard, N., Aouf, C. (2022). The thermo-mechanical recyclability potential of biodegradable biopolyesters: Perspectives and limits for food packaging application. Polymer testing 111, 107620. DOI 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2022.107620

Dedieu, I., Aouf, C., Gaucel, S., Peyron S. (2022). Recycled poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-valerate) as food packaging: effect of multiple melt processing on packaging performance and food contact suitability, Journal of Polymers and the Environment. DOI 10.1007/s10924-022-02600-4

Dedieu, I. Aouf, C., Gaucel, S. Peyron, S. (2022). Mechanical recyclability of biodegradable polymers used for food packaging: case study of PHBV. Food Additives and Contaminants: Parts A. DOI 10.1080/19440049.2022.2122589

Voir le mémoire de thèse: https://www.theses.fr/s226214