Founding members

Founding members

3 Research Institutes

logo Inrae

INRAE, l’Institut national de recherche en agriculture, alimentation et environnement 

INRAE, created on January 1, 2020 from the merger of Irstea (initial project sponsor) and INRA created on January 1, 2020
Project coordinator
Etablissement Public à caractère Scientifique et Technique (EPST) under the dual supervision of the Ministry of Research and the Ministry of Agriculture
Research on food, agriculture and the environment
Crop and livestock systems, animal production, high-throughput phenotyping, precision agriculture, precision breeding, agro-ecosystem modeling and simulation, knowledge engineering and decision support systems in agriculture, environment and natural resources, technical and organizational innovation in agriculture, innovative collaborative tools, technologies for sustainable development, water management and land use planning, expertise and support for agri-environmental public policies.

Strong links with its socio-economic partners through the Carnot Institutes

logo Inria

INRIA - Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique 
Public Scientific and Technical Establishment (EPST) under the dual authority of the French Ministry of Research and Higher Education, and the French Ministry of the Economy.

Digital sciences: Big data management, data mining, knowledge representation and inference, artificial intelligence for decision support

logo Cirad

Cirad - Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développementEtablissement Public à Caractère Industriel et Commercial (EPIC) under the dual supervision of the Ministry of Research and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Sustainable development in Mediterranean and tropical regions: food security, climate change, natural resource management, reducing inequalities and combating poverty

Read : The research units

3 Higher education establishments

logo UM

Université de Montpellier - Multidisciplinaire et leader en santé, environnement et agriculture A public university (EPSCP) with the I-SITE "Initiatives - Science - Innovation - Territoires - Économie" (I-SITE MUSE "Montpellier University of Excellence") label.
Its teaching and research cover most scientific and technological fields: fundamental and applied sciences, social sciences, health, etc.

Topics #DigitAg: Private law applied to Innovation, Economics, Management sciences, Electronics and photonics, Data management, data mining

logo IA

L'Institut Agro (Montpellier)
A public scientific, cultural and professional establishment (EPSCP) under the joint supervision of the Minister of Agriculture and the Minister of Higher Education.
A major institution of higher education addressing 4 scientific priorities through education and research & development programs: sustainable food systems, agro-ecological transition, decision engineering, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Cutting-edge education for engineering, masters and doctoral students

logo APT

AgroParisTech (Montpellier) 
A public scientific, cultural and professional establishment (EPSCP) with "grand établissement" (GE) status, under the supervision of the French Ministry of Agriculture.
Continuing education in Geomatics (Specialized Master's degree in SILAT - Localized Information Systems for Territorial Planning)
Specialized short courses in Geomatics for Agriculture and the Environment, and Certificate of Advanced Studies (CEA) in Geomatics.

Read : The Graduate School

2 Transfer structures

logo Acta

Instituts Techniques Agricoles (ITA) de l'ACTA
Acta, created by professional agricultural organizations, federates 14 agricultural technical institutes (ITA), applied research and technical support organizations for the animal and plant sectors, and their applied research structures, in liaison with the ministries responsible for the Economy and Agriculture. These ITAs provide directly applicable expertise and play a major role in scientific and technical monitoring, experimentation, knowledge gathering and dissemination, training, and support for public policy.

The ITAs involved in #DigitAg are :
IDELE - Institut de l'Elevage, the technical and normative reference in the livestock sector
ARVALIS - Institut du végétal, specialized in cereals, corn, potatoes, flax, tobacco and forage crops
IFV - Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin. Conducts studies for the entire French wine industry, on clonal selection, plant production, vine growth, vineyard management, wine-making and marketing.
ITAVI - Institut Technique en Aviculture (poultry, rabbit and fish)
TERRES INOVIA, focused on the cultivation of oilseeds and legumes

Satt AxLR

AxLR is a technology transfer acceleration company (SATT), specialized in the maturation and commercialization of innovative projects resulting from academic research.

AxLR works with most of the public research laboratories in the Mediterranean arc in Occitania, one of the most dynamic regions in France and Europe, with over 200 laboratories and nearly 12,000 researchers.

8 Entreprises

logo Agriscope

AgriscopeAgriscope implements a precision measurement system for environmental and agricultural data (sensors, data and services).
Experts in Connected Devices

logo Fruition Science

Fruition Sciences 
Fruition Sciences conducts research and development projects ranging from occasional consultancy to long-term collaboration. for grape growers and oenologists.
Technologies and knowledge are based on the use of sap flow sensors to save water, increase production and improve fruit quality.

logo Idate

IDATE DigiWorld is a European think-tank specialized in the digital economy. Based in Montpellier, its areas of research are telecommunications, the Internet, media markets and digital territories.
Its 50 members are major players in the digital economy.

3 areas of activity: DigiWorld Research (observatory), IDATE Consulting (expertise), DigiWorld Institute (experience sharing),
Major expertise in #DigitAg: knowledge of the Internet of Things, Big Data and the vertical market impacts of digital technologies.

Logo ITK

ITK develops decision-making tools for sustainable development and integrated agriculture. They enable farmers to better plan their interventions in irrigation, fertilization, pest control, etc.

Key skills: mechanistic agricultural models

Engineering and equipment for the winery. Pera-Pellenc provides expertise throughout the winemaking process.

Key skills: process implementation and automation.

logo SMAG

SMAG is the only French player on the market to combine agronomic software publishing with a diversified range of IT and agri-environmental services, notably for precision farming, data management, smartphone applications and connected objects...

Key skills: setting up web and mobile platforms for agriculture, new business models (SaaS, BtoBtoC), new web architectures (cloud, web services), management and decision-making tools for precision agriculture, the Internet of Things, Big Data.

logo TerraNis

TerraNIS designs, develops and markets geoinformation services in the fields of agriculture and the environment. It manages the Pixagri and Œnoview® services worldwide, dedicated to agricultural and vineyard monitoring respectively.

The TerraNIS team has over 20 years' experience in the development of geoinformation applications.

Logo Vivelys

The VIVELYS R&D team specializes in oenology and microbiology (grape quality and oenological processes).

Core competencies: The models developed by Vivelys are the keystones of its know-how and technological solutions (fruit and harvest quality studies; vine water status; extraction and oxygenation of white grape musts; continuous monitoring of optical density during extraction for red wines; yeasts; fermentation control; automation and assistance in micro-oxygenation control; management of interactions in wine-wood pairs).

Modification date: 14 December 2023 | Publication date: 08 August 2022 | By: EM