The Convergence Lab

The Convergence Lab

#DigitAg, the Digital Agriculture Convergence Lab is one of 10 French Convergences Institutes funded under the Investissements d'Avenir program. The only Convergences lab dedicated to agriculture, it is also the only Convergences lab in the Occitanie region, and the first in the MUSE Montpellier Université d'Excellence I-Site. Supported by Inrae, born in 2020 from the merger of Irstea and Inra, it was created in 2017 by 16 founding members.

Image IC
© Christophe Maitre

#DigitAg - the Digital Agriculture Convergence Lab implements interdisciplinary research between agronomic sciences, engineering sciences (computer science, mathematics, electronics, physics, etc.) and social and management sciences (economics, sociology, management), bringing together more than 700 experts in these fields to produce the scientific and educational foundations required for the harmonious deployment of digital agriculture in France, Europe and southern countries. #DigitAg relies on a consortium of 16 public and private partners and 30 research units. It is funded for 10 years (2016-2026) by the PIA (Programme Investissements d'Avenir) to the tune of €9.9 million.

At the heart of our research activity, around a hundred PhD students have been and will be recruited to boost the creation of knowledge in digital agriculture. Innovations resulting from our research will benefit from the support of SATT AxLR.

#DigitAg is also a system of initial and continuing training, with the construction of a Graduate School, i.e. a multi-disciplinary grouping of 21 Masters and specialized Master's degrees, all of which train students for careers in digital agriculture. Its originality: 3 interdisciplinary specialized masters, a field learning site and 8 #DigitAg member companies committed to training and hosting students.

  • Issues linked to digital agriculture: sustainable development, agro-ecology, inclusion, farm income, risks (climatic, plant health...), animal welfare, food safety, food quality, decision support, territorial management, frugal innovation, ethics, confidentiality, management...
  • Solutions linked to digital agriculture: artificial intelligence (massive data / Big Data), sensors, connected objects, smartphones, satellite images, drones, Internet of Things, models, high-speed phenotyping...
  • We do not work in robotics, but we may need to collaborate with roboticists to implement our technologies or provide them with our sensor solutions.

Modification date: 07 May 2024 | Publication date: 08 August 2022 | By: EM