AAP Cofinancement de thèses 2023

AAP Cofinancement de thèses 2023

#DigitAg lance une nouvelle campagne de cofinancement de thèses en 2023. Date limite de candidature: 24 mars 2023 Nous précisons aux porteurs de projet que la date de clôture de l’Institut Convergences #DigitAg est prévuele 31 Mai 2024. En Décembre 2022, une prolongation de 24 mois a été demandée à l’ANR pour une fin de projet le 31 Mai2026. Nous attendons le retour de l’ANR concernant cette prolongation. Nous vous le communiquerons dès réception (attendu en février).

New 2023 campaign for co-funded theses 

For this 6th campaign, 3 half grants are open for selection.
The benefits of #DigitAg co-funded PhD students are:

  • Co-funded theses benefit from a half-funding of the PhD student's salary (which will have to be used for the first 18 months), and are surrounded by an average amount of 23000€, part of which (maximum 3000€) will be allocated by the institution to actions accompanying #DigitAg research (funding of participation in #DigitAgora, annual #DigitAg community days, training, travel...), with the remainder allocated to the laboratory.
  • They become doctoral students in the #DigitAg community and therefore benefit from the training provided by doctoral schools, research schools, seminars, and transfer support from the SATT AxLR.
  • They benefit from the Digital Showcase service (development of a small demonstrator/web service that presents a contribution/result of the thesis, with the intervention of an IT provider).

The eligibility requirements for co-funding are:

Co-funding from the Convergences Institute is reserved for laboratories that are part of the Convergences Institute. For co-financing, if it is required that the projects involve at least 1 laboratory member of the institute, with a concern for interdisciplinarity, other laboratories may also be associated. Nevertheless, applications involving 2 or more laboratories will be given priority.

Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the theses co-financed by #DigitAg, it is recommended that, when selecting candidates, particular attention be paid to their ability to engage in a thesis marked by interdisciplinarity.

Download the AAP Labellisation de thèses to know all the modalities
Date limite de candidature : 24 mars 2023

Apply to the 2023 campaign for co-funded theses 

Your application will be considered only if both forms are filled in.

The results will be communicated at the end of April.

Modification date : 18 July 2023 | Publication date : 19 January 2023 | Redactor : GL