

15 April 2024

Maison de la Télédétection, Salle Silva

Combining features engineering and representation learning for NLP of African Languages

As part of our #DigitAg mobility program, we are delighted to welcome Paulin Melatagia, a teacher-researcher in Computer Science at the University of Yaoundé I, for the next 15 days at TETIS (MISCA team). In this context, we invite you to follow Paulin's presentation (description below) on Monday April 15 at 2pm.

12 February 2024

Call for proposal

Call for proposal - EASST/4S - Grounding the Digital: Unpacking the Socio-Political Complexities of Digital Transformation in Agriculture

#DigitAg and MoISA are delighted to announce the call for papers for their panel, "Grounding the Digital: Unpacking the Socio-Political Complexities of Digital Transformation in Agriculture", organized at the EASST-4S 2024 Conference (July 16-19, 2024).

30 January 2024


Sensor data for animal health and welfare: ICAR Members’ present perspectives and future applications

On 30 January at h. 19.30 (Paris time) the second webinar of the Brian Wickham Young Person EX2 Series webinars is planned.

05 December 2023


OFE2023: 2nd International OFE Conference on Farmer-centric On-Farm Experimentation

Cornell University CALS is delighted to host #OFE2023, the 2nd edition of the International Conference for farmer-centric On-Farm Experimentation, that will take place online December 5th & 7th, 2023

10 November 2023


Introduction to the tool "AMAROK e-SANTE AGRI"

#DigitAg has organized a webinar presenting the "AMAROK e-SANTE AGRI" tool, developed as part of the LabEx "Entreprendre" program, on November 10, 2023 from 11am to 12pm. Watch the video of Prof. Olivier Torres (University of Montpellier)!

19 October 2023


19 Oct 2023 (17:00-19 :00) - Webinar on "imported deforestation" by the Food Convergence Institute, McGill University

Webinar organized by Mc Gill University's Food Convergence Institute, for researchers in remote sensing, data science, traceability, economics and governance of food systems, from 5pm to 7pm (French time). Register now!

18 October 2023

Agropolis International, Montpellier

"On Farm Experimentation" workshop

As part of #OFE2023, the 2nd edition of the international conference for farmer-centered on-farm experimentation (OFE) will take place online from December 5 to 7, 2023.

16 October 2023

Bricolab, Instit Agro Montpellier

Plan a geolocation data acquisition campaign - AgroTIC training Session 2

The AgroTIC team offers several short one-day training courses in surveying and mapping. Find out more about these courses.

10 October 2023

Fondation Carasso, Paris

4e Rencontres de l’alimentation durable

Véronique Bellon-Maurel takes part in a round-table discussion at 11:15 a.m. on the opportunities and limits of digital tools for agroecology.

06 October 2023


Séminaire “Prendre en compte l’incertitude des prévisions météorologiques dans les modèles et les outils d’aide à la décision en agriculture”

The RMT Science des Données et Modélisation (Data Science and Modeling Network) is organizing a seminar entitled "Taking into account the uncertainty of weather forecasts in agricultural models and decision-support tools" on October 6, 2023, from 9am to 12:30pm. Data Science and Modeling network coordinators: François Brun (Acta), David Makowski (Inrae), Ronan Trépos (Inrae), Samuel Buis (Inrae), Elodie Doutart (Idele), Chris Roth (Anses), Luis Galárraga (Inria), Fanny Tenenhaus-Aziza (Cniel), François Piraux (Arvalis).

27 September 2023


FAO Global Conference on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is organizing the first-ever Global Conference on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (GAMC), with the theme “Efficiency, Inclusiveness and Resilience” from 27 to 29 September 2023. This event will provide a neutral forum for FAO Members, farmers, universities, agricultural scientists, mechanization service providers, development agencies, policy makers, extension specialists, civil society, opinion leaders and private sector for focused dialogues to prioritise actions and strengthen technical networks for sustainable development of agricultural mechanization.

10 July 2023


Keynote speakers-Call for Papers for the 6th Symposium on Agri-Tech Economics for Sustainable Futures, Harper Adams University, 18-19 September 2023

This year’s Symposium is organised by the Global Institute for Agri-Tech Economics at Harper Adams University (UK) on 18-19 September 2023. The 2023 symposium is an in-person event and will host a number of special focus sessions addressing contemporary issues and technical methods. The event will be supported by the Centre for Effective Innovation in Agriculture (CEIA) the International Society of Precision Agriculture (ISPA) Economics Community, School of Sustainable Food and Farming (HAU), and the International Network for Economic Research (INFER).

27 June 2023


The Convergent Innovation Webinar Series

Inventing “One-World” Solutions for Lifelong Wellness and Sus-tainable Economic Growth

30 April 2024


Deep reinforcement learning to support decision-making in the face of environmental and societal challenges

The next session in the series AI in Life Sciences: young scientists have their say, will be held on Tuesday April 30. Meritxell Vinyals, a young researcher at MIA-T, will explain how she uses deep reinforcement learning to address environmental and societal issues.

25 January 2024


Sustainable Digitalisation: Shaping the Future of Agriculture webinar

During this webinar, we will unveil the CODECS Digital Platform, a dynamic and innovative hub dedicated to showcasing cutting-edge digital tools and research outputs in order to promote technology adoption in line with a sustainable digital vision. On 25 January, from 10.00 to 11.30

16 April 2024


Sustainable Digitalisation in Agriculture and Rural Areas - CODECS webinar

The European project CODECS organise this webinar from 10:00 to 12:30 CET with the DG Agri and the JRC partners. Inrae and Occitanum will also take part in the event.

27 May 2024

Institut Agro Montpellier, France

PhenoHarmonIS Workshop 2024: Data & Dialogue: Agrifood semantics in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

In the evolving landscape of digital technologies for agricultural and food systems, the PhenoHarmonIS2024 workshop will serve as a key touchpoint for technical experts working at the intersection of data and information science and diverse agricultural knowledge domains.

03 June 2024


Introduction aux méthodes mathématiques et statistiques pour les modèles dynamiques pour l'agriculture

Acta is relaunching its training course on mathematical and statistical methods for dynamic models in agriculture, from June 3 to 6, 2024. This training course will provide you with the basics for handling the main statistical methods used to build, analyze and use models. You will learn how to apply these methods to your own models, using examples and practical work with R software.

10 July 2024


Summer school on AI and interoperability for Agroecology

The Pl@ntNet team, in collaboration with the #DigitAg Convergence Institute, is organizing an exciting summer school at the crossroads of artificial intelligence and agroecology in the context of the Pl@ntAgroEco project.