Outils pédagogiques

Outils pédagogiques

In order to create digital lessons on topics related to digital agriculture, #DigitAg is launching materials to help teacher-researchers to produce educational resources, and PhD students to valorise and disseminate their thesis results. 
Pedagogical devices
  • An inexpensive GPS tool for tracking animal movements:
    Online tutorial that enhances a GPS tool available to farmers in extensive livestock operations. Use of this tutorial as a teaching exercise where students take over previous versions to improve the tool.
    This tool will be presented at the Africa-France summit in Montpellier in October 2021.
  • Case study based on a set of videos to understand the growth and financing trajectory of an agrotech company.
    The recording of the videos with the target company is delayed (2021-22) as the company has no availability at the moment due to its international development.
  • Escape Gameto teach precision breeding and R to students from BTS level to Engineer-Master 2 level.
    The first version of this educational escape game will be available in autumn 2021. Several tests of this game will be carried out in the near future with agricultural high school classes.
    You can already watch the teasers:

Modification date: 18 July 2023 | Publication date: 08 August 2022 | By: EM