[Post-doc completed] Kouandou Arouna

[Post-doc completed] Kouandou Arouna: Value of information, digitalization of agriculture and pesticide use

Post-doc topic cofunded by #DigitAg

Value of information, digitalization of agriculture and pesticide use

I trained as a statistician. I continued my studies in Environmental Economics at Paris Saclay-AgroParisTech-CIRED as part of the Master EEET (Environmental, Energy and Transport Economics) Option Prospective Modeling. I then continued at CESAER as part of a thesis on the challenges of urban expansion with regard to the viability of peri-urban agricultural areas. After my thesis, I spent a year as an ATER at Panthéon Assas University. 
I'm currently a post-doctoral fellow at CEE-M, working on the value of information in pesticide use.
I'm interested in digital agriculture because it contributes to the development of low-pesticide agriculture. Digital tools enable us to manage our farms as closely as possible, which means we can optimize the use of inputs.

  • Starting date:  1st October 2022
  • Scientific field: Agricultural economics, environmental economics, applied econometrics
  • Funding: #DigitAg
  • Supervisors: Douadia Bougherara, UMR Cee-M, Inrae et Sophie Thoyer, UMR Cee-M, Inrae
  • #DigitAg :  Axe 2 : Innovations en agriculture numérique, Challenge 0 : sujet transversal

Keywords: information, pesticides, digitalization

Résumé :  The aim of this post-doc is to identify, both theoretically and empirically, what the adoption of decision support tools brings in terms of information to farmers in their management of plant disease risks. Does this additional information optimize pesticide use? Our hypothesis is that for risk-averse farmers, the absence of information generally leads to overuse of pesticides.