2023 #DigitAg Call

2023 #DigitAg Call: International expressions of interest for Master 2 internships and Scientific seminars

The deadline for submission is 30th November 2022 at 12:00 CEST


The purpose of #DigitAg – the Digital Agriculture Convergence Laboratory, is to conduct research and to federate a community on digital agriculture. Each year, #DigitAg offers Master's scholarships to finance internships of M2 or equivalent research master's degree (research engineer, foreign student...). It also supports the organization of seminars organized by its members and related to digital agriculture.  

 On Monday, Oct 10, 2022, a hybrid seminar has been held between #DigitAg and the “Digital Inclusion lever” group from CGIAR (Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT). It has demonstrated various scientific areas of common interest. This call is launched to strengthen the link between the #DigitAg community and the “Digital Inclusion” lever group from CGIAR (Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT). In this context, we are calling for expressions of interest for:

  •  Joint master's degree scholarships (8000 €)

We offer 4 “Master 2” internships (8000€). The funding will be given to the #DigitAg laboratory where the internship takes place. It includes the intern's remuneration as well as support for the associated research project (operational costs, equipment necessary for the internship, missions, conferences). 

  • Support (up to 3000 €) for the organization of joint seminars (in person or hybrid formats) in 2023

We are offering 4 grants for the organisation of Scientific seminars during 2023, related to Digital inclusion (3000 €)

Important: the subject of the internship or seminar will have to refer to one of the following themes of common interest:

  1. Low-cost phenotyping (contact CGIAR: GUERENA, David  D.GUERENA [AT] cgiar.org)
  2. Crowdsourcing and citizen science for sustainable food systems: on-farm testing, market monitoring (Contact CGIAR: van Etten, Jacob j.vanetten [AT] cgiar.org)
  3. Ontologies – knowledge management, data integration (Contact CGIAR: Arnaud Elizabeth e.arnaud [AT] cgiar.org)
  4. Data-driven sustainability and ecosystem services using remote sensing and artificial intelligence (Reymondin, Louis L.Reymondin [AT] CGIAR.ORG)
  5. Agri-food systems modelling (Jiménez, Daniel d.jimenez [AT] cgiar.org )
  6. Inclusive, responsible digital design, digital user research (Muller, Anne A.Muller [AT] cgiar.org)

Date de modification : 18 juillet 2023 | Date de création : 09 novembre 2022 | Rédaction : GL